10 Best freelance jobs

If you are looking for money making ideas or to earn some cash these freelance jobs are perfect for beginners.


Do you love writing? If yes, there are tons of ways you can make money writing content for business/Individuals.


Can you spot mistakes? Great!! You can literally make money correcting mistakes i.e. grammar, spelling etc.

Web designer

Designing websites is on a roller coaster and many businesses want to take their business online, you can start.

Freelance developers

There is a huge demand of high end freelancer developers, front end developers, back end they charge high rates.

English teacher

Take the opportunity to teach English to students online and get paid in return by companies you sign up with.

Virtual assistant

Virtual assistant offers administrative assistance to business/individuals i.e. 200+ virtual assistance services.

Voice actor

If you can lend your voice to audio books, video games, narration you can make good money out of it.

Social media manager

Businesses nowadays want social media presence and not everyone can offer to handle social media but internet geeks.


Are you a good listener? Yes, that’s great you can use it to convert audio files into written documents & earn money.


Many businesses hire individuals to manage their financial accounts to keep a record of the bills, expenses etc.

Merit America Remote jobs

The company offers flexible career programs in the field of Jave development, Data Analytics and Information technology.