10 Side Hustles

Are you looking to start something of your own and leave the traditional 9-5 daily job this is for you?

1. Freelance

For side hustle there are plenty of options to start with sites like solid gigs, smashing jobs, Upwork and Fiverr.

2. Start a Blog

There are several ways to monetize a blog i.e. sponsored posts, Adsense, Affiliate marketing and sell course.

3. Become a Reseller

You can buy items at a wholesale price and resell it on platforms like Amazon, ebay and other local platforms.

4. Online Tutoring

If you have knowledge in any particular field this skill can make you money join different sites and teach online.

5. Rent extra space

You can rent out your extra bedroom or place that is completely out of use with stunning pictures and rent it on AIRBNB.

6. social media

Business require to handle their social media handles so, you can offer your services part time and earn at home.

7. online course

Having a command in a particular field is required this side hustle you can create an online course and sell it on online.

8. E-Book

People love to read and with the access to e-books it becomes easy to learn about things create and sell ebooks.

9. Personal trainer

If you are into fitness then this can work great for you, start offering your services as a personal trainer as a side hustle.

10. Event planning

Start your event planning business and work for people planning parties, events and wedding functions.

Merit America: Remote Jobs

The company provides very succinct and flexible learning programs that enable you to join the workforce.