10 top side gigs

Looking for ways to earn money from side gigs from the comfort of your home, here are the 10 best you can try.

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Sell Stock Photos

Images add life to an idea so; if you love taking pictures it can add money in your bank account by selling it online.

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Rent Your Property

You can rent your property i.e. camera, tools, camping gear and other items to people around and earn cash.

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Sell Informational Products

If you have a skill that people would love to learn form why not convert it into a money making machine, sounds good.

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Online Cooking Classes

People love to eat and if you are a great cook turn to YouTube and teach people cooking skills that you own.

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Sell Design

Good design is rare and if you happen to be an artist then there is a lot of work coming straight to you –(Canva)

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Virtual Assistant

The demand for people with administrative skills has doubled in the recent years so, why not you assist businesses.

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Teach English Online

There is a high demand for English speaking people as a native language so you can sign up different online sites.

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Search Engine Evaluator

By following a set of guidelines you will be assigned with the duty of checking the accuracy of search engine results.

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Do you have an eye that scans any misdemeanor in any written docs well, you can get paid to correct those errors.

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Similar like writing but it requires you to convert audio files into written test for different purposes and fields.

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Merit America remote jobs

As for now the company has a remote opening in different disciplines engineering, finance, marketing & others.