10 work from home jobs
There are work from home jobs on the online marketplace that always look to hire talented workers worldwide.
1. Administrative assistants
Administrative assistants provide helping hand to business known as Virtual assistant and pay you $19.10/hr.
2. Consultant
Consultant offers their services to businesses in different projects and companies often pay you $48.36/hr.
3. Customer services
Customer services representative’s offers work from home opportunities that can help you get $17.74/hr.
4. Data entry clerk
Data entry clerk is a good online part time jobs for students that type documents and pay you $18.88/hr.
5. Digital marketing
Digital marketing specialist is a thriving industry and is set to double in recent years that pay you $29.29/hr.
6. Occupational therapist
Occupational therapist offers assistance to people with disabilities in their activities and pay you $39.56/hr.
7. Proofreader
Proofreader involves correcting simple errors in a given written documents and that can pay you $21.22/hr.
8. Sales representatives
Sales representatives just like customer representatives involve in sales and that can pay you $14.73/hr.
9. Social media
Social media specialist creates posts, designs graphics and share key insights and that can pay you $27.31/hr.
10. Software developer
Software developers are professionals that designs and builds computer programs that can pay you $55.11/hr.
10 Side Hustles
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